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Friday, May 15, 2009

Our First Decent Lesson

We had our first decent lesson the other day. You know, the first lesson where we actually got somewhere. We jumped about 2 1/2 feet, and she didn't go careening around the ring with that wicked fast trot she likes to use. Slowly but steadily, I think we might be getting somewhere.


  1. 2 1/2 feet on your first lesson WOW I can't even jump...yet LOL! But I will soon hopefully:)

  2. hey I just made a new blog and I hope you'll like it enought to follow :)

  3. it wasn't my first lesson, just the first lesosn in which i wasn't almost killed

  4. oh, let me count the ways.... Celebrity ran me into the wall and over-jumped me at least a million times, and Ivy was just a nutball!

  5. Oh, and then this was a while back but Speckles threw me in a field once and when i landed I hit my head on a rock then he kicked me in the head. I was wearing a helmet so I was OK.
