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Sunday, June 7, 2009

la la la...

Doing nothing. Finished homework. Math stinks.

So I think I'm gonna go and try on my show outfit and see if I need to replace it with better fitting gear this year.

I just got back from working a horse show today. I feel so important in my "Event Staff" t-shirt. It got me free food! YAYY!


  1. post-trying-on-outfit shopping list:

    -new jacket for next year
    -new blouse
    -new collar pin
    -red tail ribbon
    -new show pad
    -conservative colored polos and bell boots
    -brown riding boots
    - new french-link snaffle for Speck's show bridle. right now its a regular snaffle (yuck!)

  2. math homework does suck!lol and good luck with the show shopping!

  3. thanks. i gotta get $$ first

  4. oh same with me but i got a little early $$ for my b-day. Good Luck!:)

  5. thanks...happy b-day to u to wether it past or not:) LOL
