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Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I was just remembering today, about the day I got my third ear piercing. (I'm up to four now) I was at the mall with my friend, let's call her Janet, and our mom's were off doing their own thing. I was 12. I decided I wanted to get my ears pierced, so I went to find my mom. She was hesitant, but Janet's mom said, "Oh come on, you only live once!" I didn't get the meaning of those words until much later.

Two years later, Janet's mom got the bad news. Six months after that she was gone.

I don't think she even understood those words of hers until it was too late either. I don't think anyone does. Those of us who do are lucky. Please, just do me this one favor, and live. Not just exist, live. You never know when it will be too late. Learn from Janet's mother's mistake. Live.

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