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Monday, July 13, 2009

Bad Day

They say any bad day riding is a good day anyways. No. Its not. So, we had our show yestrday, right? Well, first dresage went ok, even though we placed in fifth. Second test.... We're fine, then I ask for the canter, he takes the bit in his teeth, and bolts from the ring. We repeat his three or four times. DQ!!! But the judge was nice and let it be. Now, of course, we have to get back to the trot, and what does he do? Pulls up lame. We had JUST gotten him sound, and he pulled up lame. In he middle of a show. So we couldn't do the jumping, which was another DQ. And I wish that stood for Dairy Queen....

Luckily, someone had brought Ivey to the show, and they allowed me to ride her for one of the jumping rounds. I have vids of all three classes. I am way to embarassed to show you the dressage, but you can see Ivey jump once I get it on here.

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