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Saturday, January 2, 2010


Specks injured himself, and I daresay he did it good. Real good. It was really icy out in the paddock, plus a new horse (and we all know how dominant our friend Specks is) so odds are he was trying to establish his dominance and slipped and fell on his shoulder. I went out wednesday and saw he couldn't even lift his front leg. Uh-oh. So it takes me half an hour to get him out of the paddock, then I flag someone down as they drive into the barn, she gets help, and half an hour later we're back at the barn getting our bute. It took four people an hour to get to the barn with him. Wow. Usually a five minute walk. Once in a stall we couldn't get him to move an inch, even for food. That's when you know its bad, especially for Speckles, who would walk on burning embers for food. There was significant swelling and heat as wel as a pulse spot in his shoulder. He showed visible signs of tenderness when touched, such as the teeth-marks now in my hand. He has bitten me a total of three times in the time I've known him, which has been over three years. Luckil by Thursday it only took half an hour to get back to he barn, and then I guess on Frday his owner said he was nearly normal. Today he seemed almost fine. Still not perfect, but much, much better. Hopefully he'll be fine to rde by wednesday. He'll be getting daily bte at least that long. Hope for the best!

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